There were 40 members of the graduating class of 1984. Three have passed away, and 24 of the remaining 37 classmates/friends gathered in Broadus for their 40-year class reunion over the long 4th of July holiday. One local classmate was unable to attend due to illness. Classmates traveling the furthest came from Texas and Arizona.
“The family we didn’t know we had” had a wonderful time at their 40-year class reunion activities over the 4th of July. They received many compliments on their float in the 4th of July parade, which included photo banners displaying all 40 graduates.
The memorable and festive reunion was filled with activities that celebrated the longstanding connections among the classmate-friends. They gathered to showcase their float in the parade on Thursday and enjoyed a meal at the Morella Ranch on Friday. Many small group gatherings spontaneously popped up and laughter filled the air around town as the classmates and their friends/families visited local establishments to reminisce about old times and catch up on each other’s lives.
The four-day reunion was a resounding success - a heartwarming and lively event fostering nostalgia and camaraderie among the classmates and their extended circle of friends and families which left everyone with warm memories and strengthened bonds. Not only did they celebrate their shared history, they also set the stage for future gatherings that will continue to build upon the friendships formed and collective memories. The reunion schedule has changed from every 10 years to every five years. As such, this close-knit and fun-loving group is eagerly looking forward to their next reunion in Broadus in 2029.
Back row l-r: Jay Knowles, Les McGill, Ronda (Green) Lahey, William Collins, Mike Morella, Russell Millar, Art Hayes. Middle row l-r: Casey Trainer, Melody (Wetherelt) Hanzlik, Kim (Compton) Blain, Kimberly (Wash) Hostetter, Dave Archer, Julie (Mobley) Bilbrey, Juanita (Talcott) Williams, Tana (Gergen) Patten, Ray Bogner, Bill Schefstrom. Front row l-r: Cindy May, Margie (Gaskill) Riley, Lisa (Carter) Lynch, Sally (Brost) Sawyer, Marci (Perry) Hilliard, Kelly (Dague) West, Calvin Burch.
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